Fast and Furious M5 for sale Only ofthese movie cars out of the original are still in existence. Here is shortlist of the things that have been added after bought it: 1> VIScarbon fiber hood 2> VIS carbon fiber trunk 3> APRGT500 wing 4> VFSupercharger 5> Newtires 6>Tein coilovers 7>Plexi-glass rear and side widows. 8>Turning brake
The carruns and drives excellent! The carsfor the movie were made to look like an M5 (at distance) but were based offof the 540I and 528I, this one was originally 540i. 4.4 LiterV8 (282hp) VFSupercharger 6spd Weldeddiff. 5 ptharness I wentthrough the car and replaced many bearings and bushings to make it track/roadworthy. Just FYI this car has no interior or climate control to speak of. Thisthings could be added back in if one where truly inclined to do so. Open totrades for sports cars.
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